Friday, March 7, 2014

Studio J Love

It is a well known fact that I LOVE Studio J! What is Studio J? It is Close To My Hearts' online digital scrapbooking program. In one afternoon I created 19 layouts!!! Ok I kind of cheated. I used the Express Collections. Basically the layouts are created for you and all I had to do was add my pictures and the journaling. Could it be any easier? I think not. Now are you ready for the icing on the cake?  During March, Close To My Heart's Studio J 2-page 12" x 12" layouts are only $5.

Did you know that statistics show that most scrapboookers spend about $9-$10 per 2-page traditional layout they create? That includes paper, embellishments, photo developing, etc. So, at $5 per 2-page digital layout you are saving some serious dinero! Plus, that's almost a $2 savings per layout from our regular price. PLUS, you don't even have to be a scrapbooker to use Studio J. You just have to be someone with photos who wants to preserve them beautifully for their family. It's THAT EASY!

To play with Studio J, just head to the Studio J Page on my website. It's absolutely FREE to play and build layouts...and it's SO SIMPLE AND USER FRIENDLY. You don't pay a single penny until you purchase. Of course, you'll want to be sure to purchase in March to to get that $5 price. On April 1, it's back to $6.95.

What do you get for  your $5?
  • Your 2-page 12" x 12" layout
  • 1 high resolution .jpg file of each page. This way you can print more at a later date if you want to. This is emailed to you after you place your order
  • 1 lower resolution .jpg file of the 2 pages together (like you see here in this post). This is great for posting online for friends and family members to see. This is also emailed to you after you order.
If you have questions give me a call (435.764.3598). I've shared a few of my Studio J layouts that I created yesterday. Enjoy!