Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ten on the 10th Photography Project ~ January

Last year I did a 52 week photo challenge (theme each week 1 photo a week). It was a great project but sadly I had many weeks of no photos and then a major catch up day. I am happy to say I did finish the project and I don't regret having the photos. This year I decided to try a different project inspired by Sara Arrigoni - a fellow photographer, former classmate and friend. I am doing a 10 on 10 - 10 photos on the 10th of each month.  I am excited about this project for a number of reasons. One, the project is focused on capturing the everyday moment throughout the day. Second, it is only once a month :) I can do this! Ok well I wasn't off to a great start. If it wasn't for Sara's reminder on facebook I would have totally forgotten to take photos on the 10th. I honestly didn't realize it was already the 10th! Fortunetly I checked facebook in the morning and then quickly grabbed my camera to capture a few getting off to school pics.

8:29 am
8:31 am ~ someone didn't finish their dishes from the night before. :(

9:43 am - playing in Dad's office while he works.

9:54 am - my cup of tranquility after all the kids are off to school. 
1:38 pm - early release Fridays. Yeah for having brother home to play with.

4:29 pm - Bridal Session in the cold on a frozen lake. Note to self get married anytime but in the winter.

5:59 pm - Minecraft time!

7:42 pm - Friday night movie night

8:12 pm - Tonight feature Disney Airplanes

8:36 pm - Brock always claims this spot on the couch

9:15 pm - popcorn coma

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how these photos capture every day life. THAT is why I scrapbook!
