I am so in love with this promotional stamp set and it is so easy to get your hands on it! WHEN YOU PLACE A MINIMUM ORDER OF $25 IN MY ACRYLIX® STAMP sets* between now and November 30, you can add a new D-size Holiday Wishes stamp set for only $5! That’s a significant savings of $12.95. You may buy one Holiday Wishes stamp set for every $25 in qualifying stamp sets you purchase. As a creative bonus, many of the images in the set coordinate with our Cricut® Art Philosophy cartridge for added cutting and stamping fun! Pick up a set for you and for a friend!
Isn't the set gorgeous! You can purchase it on my website or by contacting me directly.
*Be sure to check out the previous post from today. It has all the details about November's workshop class.
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I am so excited about the November workshop class! Dreamin' is one of my favorite new paper packets and I love how these layouts came together. We are starting a new 6 month hostess rotation so if you would like to join in the fun, make 3 2-page 12x12 layouts each month, and earn some free product let me know by the 5th of November. I have posted all 3 layouts plus the shopping list.
This beauty is only 15!! I know, poor Dad he will surely have a lot of grey hair by the time she is graduated from high school. She was so fun to photograph. Looking to have your Senior pictures taken? Give me a call or drop me an email if you live in the Cache Valley area.
We are into the last week of the month which means you only have a few days left to take advantage of the October promotions. Here are the details about both. . . 1. Add-On for FREE!:If you have ever considered becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant like me, this is sure a great month to take the plunge! The price of the New Consultant Kit is $99 (plus shipping and tax). We also offer three wonderful "Add-On" kits that range in value from $80-$130. During October 2011 only, when you sign up to be a consultant and purchase the $99 New Consultant Kit, you get to pick one of the Add-Ons absolutely FREE! To sign up, click here. If you have any questions, I'm just a quick call or email away (435.787.0125, iotamaker@gmail.com). I am also here to train you, motivate you, inspire you, and do everything I can to help you be successful!
Here is what you get in the New Consultant Kit ($99 for a value of over $280!):
Here are the three Add-Ons you can choose from for FREE during October when you sign up to be a Close To My Heart Consultant:
Roxie Add-On Collection (over $80 value, FREE in October):Elemental Add-On Collection (over $80 value, FREE in October):Studio J Add-On Collection (over $130 value, FREE in October):
2. October Stamp of the Month:I look at this set and I automatically start thinking about Christmas card making! This set is just the ticket! The cards at the top of this post were created with this set by the talented Karen Pedersen.
That isn't all you can do with this set. Do you remember that cute layout that used the tree and made it into a pennant? Check it out here.
You can purchase this set for only $5 with a $50 order (before shipping and tax) or for it's full price of $17.95. If you pay full price, the order # is S1110. If you earn it for $5, you will be prompted to add it to your order before you check out. You can start shopping here.
Love this family! We have been friends for years. Our two oldest children were crib buddies. Oh how their kids have grown. Now is the time to get those family pictures taken for Christmas cards. Give me a call or drop me and email to schedule your appointment and to get pricing.
I have a completely legitimate reason for not blogging for a week. I have been at Octoberfest with my family! My Mom planned a fabulous weekend for my whole family.
We picked and pressed apples and made over 46 gallons of apple cider. My retreat buddies will get to enjoy the fruits of our labor this weekend.
The kids hunted for pumpkins including the great white pumpkin.
We played with our cousins.
We went to Lava and went on the zip lines and soaked in the natural hot tubs.
Yes that is my 19 weeks pregnant sister. She said it was nice to have the baby move up and not be sitting so low. I think she is just crazy.
Oh and that is my 75 year old Grandmother. She is a wild women. Over 700 pictures later we came to the conclusion that we had an all around FABULOUS time!!! I think this event will defiantly be a Studio J project!
Is it to early to be thinking about Christmas cads? I think not! At the way this year has been going it is going to be gone before you now it.
Check out the stamp set used in this set on page 93 of your Autumn/Winter 2011 idea book. Also look for more Christmas card ideas including the one on page 76. Order anytime online or by contacting your Close To My Heart consultant (Nicole Norris 435.787.0125 iotamaker@gmail.com)
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to take family pictures for this amazing family. They are really good friends of my brother and his family. We had to work hard to get this session in with the overcast day and loosing light fast. I am excited with the results. This first picture (above) is probably my favorite.
These two have to stick together in a house over run with boys.
You know by now that I am a big fan of Studio J. I love how easy it is to create, duplicate and personalize my layouts. Each month Close To My Heart puts out a "Love Your Layout" video that features new techniques and tips. This month the video is all about cropping your stickease. I love this technique. Check it out and then head on over to your Studio J account and create your own layout in 30 minutes or less! If you have any questions give me a call or drop me an email. I also offer monthly classes and one on one training sessions. Now is the time to get started our recording your journey and Studio J is a great option to help you get caught up fast.
Don't have a Studio J account yet? No worries...it's EASY! To create an account and make layouts is absolutely free. There are a few cost options to order your layouts.
You can purchase a membership. There are two memberships available to choose from: a 3-month membership or a 1-year membership. In my opinion, becoming a member is the way to go! It allows you free shipping on one order per month (between 4 and 20 2-page layouts)! That's a $7.95 value! You also get a GREAT savings on the price per layout than if you were to purchase them without a membership. Finally, memberships give you access to "Members Only" layout patterns and paper kits. WOO HOO!
Another option is to purchase a 5-pack. This includes five 2-page layouts as well as the shipping and 5 sheet protectors (all 5 must be ordered at once). The 3rd option is that you can pay for your layouts one at a time. I don't recommend this one. In the long run you are paying much more per layout and don't get the perks of "Members Only" kits and patterns, nor do you get one free shipment per month. But, just to let you know, this is an option. For more details, to try it out for FREE, and to see answers to Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
While I was at convention last July I kept running into this consultant from Canada. Finally I just told her we might as well introduce ourselves and get to know each other because we keep running into each other. Her name is Carla and she is AMAZING!!! We have kept in contact, I follow her blog and stalk her on facebook. ;) She recently posted this layout using the Roxie paper packet and I had to share it (with her permission of course) because you see that cute little banner. She stamped that using the October stamp of the month: Holiday Magic. I know you look at the stamp set and who would have thought to use it on a completely non Christmas layout. So clever.
So how do you get your hands on this obviously versatile stamp set? You can purchase this set for only $5 with a $50 order (before shipping and tax) or at it's full retail price of $17.95. If you pay full price, the order # is S1110. If you earn it for $5, you will be prompted to add it to your order before you check out. You can start shopping here.
Thanks again Carla for letting me share your beautiful layout!
My friend and fellow Close To My Heart consultant, Trish Morton gave me this beautiful blog award and to accept the award, here are the questions that I must answer: Q1) Name your favorite color? Red Q2) Name your favorite song? Hum, well currently the most played son in my iTunes library is New Soul by Yael Naim. Q3) Name your favorite dessert? Oh so many choices so little time. I do love Creme Brulee (even before it was a Close To My Heart color) Q4) What annoys you at the moment? Irresponsible parents. Q5) Your favorite pet? Well I am not a big animal lover. We do have a dog, Cooper, for our kids because they were all scared of dogs. Now they are not so he has fulfilled his purpose. Q6) Black or White? Both. I love black and white photography. Q7) Your biggest fear? I am deathly afraid of snakes. My daughter on the other hand LOVES them. Q8) Best Feature? I think overall I have a positive outlook on life and prefer to deal with trials with a good dose of humor. Q9) Everyday attitude? Life is good. There is a lot of good things happening in the world. Q10) What is perfection? Being ahead. No list of need to do. I am so far from perfection. Q11) Guilty Pleasure? Reading my long list of blogs that I follow. Q12) When you're upset you? Yell. (not my favorite quality)
Now I get to pass this award on to 3 people. Oh there are so many Beautiful people and blogs out there that are deserving of this award.
1. Melissa Morgan: Melissa amazes me. She is super women! She is always creating, spending time with her kids going on adventures, making crafts and enjoying life. She documents all of it with pictures and posts them on her blog. I don't know what her secret is but she must have found a way to cram a few extra hours into her day because she accomplishes more then anyone else I know.
2. Daryn Norris: Daryn is my sister-in-law. I love her to death. She is so kind and easy going. She has the most adorable little girl and is truly enjoying the journey of motherhood. She is a very humble person who has a great perspective on life. I love having her as a sister.
3. Susann Eaton: Susann is AMAZING! She has not had it easy and seems to be constantly facing trials but always keeps her chin up. I have a lot of respect for people like that. I would probably just go hide in the corner and have a pity party. Susann is also a Close To My Heart consultant and creates the most beautiful artwork. I love her work.
Congrats to all 3 of you. I am greatful to know each of you!
With the cooler weather (that was an understatement) With the down right COLD weather we have enjoyed this week it seemed appropriate to share this video featuring the festive fall stamp set So Grateful and the card featured on page 66 of the Autumn/Winter 2011 idea book.
Now that you have a creative basis to start from think about all the other color options you could use with this same design and stamp set. I would love to see what you come up with so link back to this post with your thanksgiving card.
I have to say I am feeling a loss today. An amazing man who is one of the greatest inventors of our time passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2011. May we all follow his great example and live to our fullest potential.
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life," he said. "Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." - Steve Jobs
October Stamp of the Month: We are in the last quarter of the year. Are you ready for the marathon of holidays? This month the Stamp of the Month is perfect for those Christmas Cards. No it is not to early to start thinking about Christmas cards. You can make cute little tags, cards or use the cute stockings, trees or sleigh for your winter and Christmas layouts. The adorable card posted above is one of two cards my adorable upline sent me.
You can purchase this set for only $5 with a $50 order (before shipping and tax) or for it's full price of $17.95. If you pay full price, the order # is S1110. If you earn it for $5, you will be prompted to add it to your order before you check out. You can start shopping here.
I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to photograph two sisters. These two were both so fun to work with. This adorable 8 year old is spunky and full of life. She is a good friend of my daughter and on the same soccer team so I get to spend a lot of time with her and I don't know that I have ever seen her not smiling.
This is the big sister. She had her best friend with her. Her best friend and I had a good time getting her to laugh.
After we got all the serious shots out of the way the two friends wanted a few pictures together. We had a great time! They both were cracking me up. Isn't it great to be young!